So long and thanks for all the hawks
Eric Siegerman
Tue Aug 22 16:46:01 EDT 2000
On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 01:24:24PM -0700, Joseph Brooks wrote:
> Hi all.. Well, sorry to say that the BOC to HW content ratio on this list is
> just too one sided.. I'm tired of deleting 25 posts and reading 1 or 2 per
> day (thats on a good day and usually one of the 2 is my own...) (and Yes, I
> just can't seem to get the hang of HW, never have..).
> Gonna unsub...
Well, as one who feels about BOC about the way you feel about
1. The best HW news in years has us all quivering with
excitement; give us a break!
2. You can always tell the list you don't want "HW:" or "OFF:"
posts. I can't remember how, but I know it's possible.
3. Actually, some days I envy you. Most of those 25 HW posts
are just chitchat; one or two substantive posts a day would
be much easier to handle! (Except just now -- see (1) :-)
4. Don't worry; some day it'll be your turn -- all the talk will
be about BOC and some of the HW people will be wondering
whether to stick around.
| | /\
|-_|/ > Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont. erics at
| | /
Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft -- but they could get
fired for relying on Microsoft.
- Chris Garrigues
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