So long and thanks for all the hawks

Joseph Brooks Joseph.Brooks at GCCCD.NET
Wed Aug 23 16:20:11 EDT 2000

Now that I'm back, I wanna help keep the ball rolling so... (this was the
last mail I received before unsubbing..)

> (hands in pocket, looks glumly around....)

I'm as guilty as anyone.

> so, anyone want to start a BÖC brawl?  vote for
> your favorite tunes?

(hey, how do you make the umlauts?)

Limiting it to 5 and in no particular order:

1. Harvester of Eyes (Love the guitars in this one)
2. Flaming Telepaths/Astronomy
3. The Vigil
4. Mistress of the Salmon Salt (The "Coast Guard crews" line still gives me
chills for some reason)
5. Black Blade (Silly fucking humans)

Honorable mention: The Imaginos version The Subhuman (Blue Oyster Cult) and
several other Imaginos songs.

> Are there hidden references to Imaginos in any songs
>         by Keanu Reave's band Dogstar?  discuss.

Eh? I didn't even know he had a band hehe

> let's dissect the song "Light Years of Love", including
> all references to anything by SWU, Oaxaca or SFG songs....

Never heard of it, sorry

> Morning Final - is there a vampire reference here?

I'd have to review the lyrics.

> Is Eric still playing Gemstone warrior or is he now on
> Everquest, Asheron's Call or Ultima online?  Which server/shard,
> if so?

I wish he was playing EQ and on a PvP server hehe. On a side note, can
anyone guess the name of my EQ mage character? (I guess the name police on
EQ are not BOC fans, in nearly 2 years of playing, only two people have
recognized the name.. Hmm, one of which I told about this list.. maybe he's
reading this..)

> Do the Bass and Drum solos in present-day BÖC serve any purpose other
>         than to give the rest of the band a breather?  Or are
> they still
>         valid crowd pleasers?

Musical spam. Not to take anything away from the skill of the players in
question but 90% of most crowds (I suspect) could do without them. And truth
to tell, though its never been true for me, I know many folks would say the
same even back in the day.. (this is true for ANY band).

"What ever you do, take care of your shoes..." - Phish


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