HW: Clive Deamer (was: HW:Samantha Fox)

Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Dec 5 14:55:56 EST 2000

In message < at kommsrv.rz.unibw-
muenchen.de>, Denis Regenbrecht <denis.regenbrecht at UNIBW-
>He wasn't in the band for only three months. He joined in March 1984 (in
>the middle of the "Earth Ritual" tour) and played his last HW-gig in June
>1985. So his stay was for more than a year. BTW, does anyone know why he
>left (or got sacked)?

I'm sure you're right- you generally are about such things- although he's not
credited on the Stonehenge '84 live tracks from 'Do Not Panic'- Danny
Thompson is there instead. Mind you the Stonehenge line-ups were liable to
be a bit more free and easy.

Nick Medford

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