
Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Sun Dec 10 18:35:17 EST 2000

Space Bandits is way better than Fresh Blood IMHO. The Brock and House solos in the last third of 'Images' are some of the best HW sounds ever recorded.


> Can't agree here the LP is excellent (you're not saying that Space Bandits
>and Codex are better than this, are you? Puh-leeze). Proto-hawkwind it most
>certainly is, the missing link between the Hawklords and the 79/80 Hawkwind.
>In saying that I remember John Peel playing Steve's version of "Shot", good
>old Peely said he preferred the Hawks version.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bob Lennon <Hawkwinder at AOL.COM>
>Date: 10 December 2000 17:55
>Subject: Re: HW:Completists
>In a message dated 12/10/00 9:16:53 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>andygee at DIAL.PIPEX.COM writes:
> the Swindells solo albums
>  > (wouldn't mind having the second one w/all the Hawkwind members and
>  > Down In The Night")
>sorry if this opinion isn't shared universally, but is this one of the
>Lp's ever released or what? the 2nd? steve swindels, didn't know there was
>first. maybe that one is good?
>Hawkwind: Time & Space Website
><a Target='_new' Href='http://www.talk21.com/redirect.html?http://members.aol.com/Hawkwinder/hawkwindrulesindex.html'>http://members.aol.com/Hawkwinder/hawkwindrulesindex.html</a>

May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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