H/W: More obscure Hawkwind relations

Sebastian Welton sebastian at WELTON.DE
Wed Dec 13 19:10:56 EST 2000

For real completists only. There is a very, and I mean very, distant
link to Hawkwind and the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band via Dave Brock. I
believe that prior to playing with the Dharma Blues Band and after being
a busker, the esteemed Mr. Brock had a stint playing in Bob Kerr's
Whoopee Band (who are still going strong BTW) and Bob Kerr was an early
member of the Bonzo's (or was it that some members of the Bonzos were in
the Whoopee band?) That could then lead real completists right off onto
another path!!!



Sebastian Welton
sebastian at welton.de

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