HW: Look at E-Bay :-(((
Tue Dec 26 15:06:06 EST 2000
I'm not remotely interested in getting these CDs, BUT will someone please
tell me what B&P means?
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Mather <paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: HW: Look at E-Bay :-(((
> On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Bernhard Pospiech wrote:
> => At 11:46 26.12.2000 +0000, you wrote:
> =>
> => >What a horrible pimple on an excellent holiday!
> => Thats true!!
> =>
> => >perhaps we should all also mail our thoughts to them on this matter
> => A very good idea
> => Do you have the address to get in touch with the e-bay folks ?
> Generally, e-mail safeharbor at ebay.com to report infringing auctions.
> However, they will generally e-mail you back telling you that the
> copyright holder needs to request to have the item removed. If Hawkwind
> object to people selling boots of their material on eBay, they need to
> register with eBay through the programme they have for fast-track
> removal of infringing auctions.
> The notable exception to this is if the seller breaches eBay's written
> listing policies. For example, eBay will not let you sell audio CD-Rs
> on eBay, even if you are the copyright holder. So, if the seller
> mentions CD-R in the item description, you can get eBay to yank the
> auction because it directly violates their acceptable items policy.
> I have to say, $13 for three CD-Rs is not bad at all. Not like some of
> the crazy auctions you see for bootleg concerts.
> On the Gov't Mule list, one way people have undermined bootleggers
> selling on eBay is to e-mail the bidders during the auction and offer to
> B&P the show for them. Also, somewhat humourously, Phil Walden, Jr.,
> almost as a hobby, would bid high amounts on Capricorn promo CDs (you
> know, the ones clearly stamped "NOT FOR SALE"), and then wait eagerly to
> see if the seller dared to try and collect on his winning bid. :-)
> I guess if people traded Hawkwind shows more freely, there wouldn't be
> such a market for bootleggers. But, people seem to hoard Hawkwind
> shows, at least compared to other bands I collect. Maybe they don't
> want the good music to get spread around (for some unknown reason).
> Cheers,
> Paul.
> e-mail: paul at gromit.dlib.vt.edu
> "Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
> deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
> --- Frank Vincent Zappa
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