HW: Griffin *IS* alive

Stephan Spiegel spiegel at INTPLSRV.NET
Tue Feb 1 15:46:17 EST 2000

>"Thrilling Hawkwind Stories."

>Hawkwind - Thrilling Hawkwind Stories (Live '76)
>Available:      4th January, 2000 (somehow, I doubt it!)
>Cat No.:        GCD-840-2
>Label:          Griffin
>UPC:            0-54421-28402-0
>SLP:            $14.98

Well, I got something a little different from Susan the other day...
She said it was called "Thrilling Stories" a studio version of Live `79
and will be out in Mid-Feb - - - See the "What's New(s)" page at
Hawkman Music.

>Oh, well, good to see Griffin's still in the game

Well, not really....I asked if there are any planned RE-stocking of the
titles already out of print, and she said NO.  So the Griffin Catalog of
Hawkwind CD's are slowly shrinking and going the way of one way :)

Hawkman will carry it, and it will probably be $11.99 regular price.
$10.99 if you mention this ad in your order.

Simon House on Griffin are all gone too.  I ordered 2 Jewel Case
and 2 Digipak issues of Yassassaammmssaasmm, and only got in
One digipack.  I guess the very last copy they had.

Anyone out there know how I can get in touch with EBS ? ?
The address on Welcome, turned out a returned letter to me.


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