Do you run a Hawkwind site?

Richard Lockwood rich-l at GEOCITIES.COM
Thu Feb 3 12:26:04 EST 2000

Want to make it harder for people to steal  your code?

Simply include this in the header of your HTML file...  (obviously without
the '*'s)

 Try it, then right click on your document.

 Nice huh?

(Oh well, just a thought.)  :-)


 *    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
*    <!--
*    var message='Copyright © 2000 R.C.Lockwood';
*    function click(e)  {
*       if (document.all)  {
*            if (event.button == 2)  {
*                alert(message);
*               return false;
*            }
*        }
*        if (document.layers)  {
*            if (e.which == 3)  {
*                alert(message);
*                return false;
*            }
*        }
*    }
*    if (document.layers) {
*       document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
*    }
*    document.onmousedown=click;
*    // -->
*    </SCRIPT

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