HW: Griffin *IS* alive

Stephan Spiegel spiegel at INTPLSRV.NET
Fri Feb 4 08:09:43 EST 2000

>>Well, I got something a little different from Susan the other day...
>>She said it was called "Thrilling Stories" a studio version of Live `79
>>and will be out in Mid-Feb - - - See the "What's New(s)" page at
>>Hawkman Music.
>Huh?  What the hell is that supposed to mean...studio Live '79

Yeah, I don't know....That's what she quoted me, as I was jotting this down
on paper, as I was talking to her.  Maybe she was trying to remember what
she read, and got it all mixed up.  I probably should have just announced
the CD NAME, and not any details.

Some one else call her today, as I'm hooked on day-trading IPO's on the
Stock Market.
DATEK - -   "Modern day version of Las Vegas"

GRIFFIN  -  (630) 424-0801

I got 20 copies on order, and I should be the first in the country to get
like "In Your Area".


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