OFF/"rule of thumb" and other MEATY topix

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Feb 7 08:18:20 EST 2000

In message <000801efa6c1$c8f0d4e0$36730918 at>
, Kevin Sommers <novadrive at HOME.COM> writes
>At the risk of sounding ignorant, which actually I am of all things vegan,
>why not honey?  How is this different from eating a plant which was
>pollinated by bees?

because it's some baby bee's dinner not yours. And it's bee spit.

It's the same as drinking milk, really.

not that I'm a veg myself, I'm a kebabarian,

and can only eat large doners, extra chilli sauce, please mister.

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