HW: Hawkwind in New Zealand

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Thu Feb 17 16:09:34 EST 2000

Stephan spake...

>> the awful smell of clothes
>> and furniture is really the most hideous thing about the habit.
>I smoke outside the house.


>> (Other than the early death.)  :)
>Funny how all my family who doesn't smoke is dead, and my 90
>year old grandma is still alive.  She smokes a pack a day.

Funny that my Dad has terrible emphysema and can hardly walk up a flight of
stairs and he's only 67.

Is it just in America that we develop our public opinion (and in some cases
our laws...or perhaps that should be 'many') based on the 'anecdotal' or
'extreme' event?  Or has that now gone global?  I mean, really, you can
point to OJ, Rodney King, Elian Gonzalez, Monica, Okla City/WTC/Atlanta
bombings, Diallo shooting, Columbine, Waco, Len Bias' cocaine death (the
impulse that created the ridiculous minimum sentencing law), and three or
four other 'events,' and there you have 99% of the basis for all of our
'public opinion' and our politics.  Never mind the other 299,999,950 people
in this country whose lives these laws affect.

I'm a firm believer in statistics, because...
Statistically, more people survive if they think only of themselves!

>> I know the smoker him/herself becomes oblivious to
>> the smell
>Can't stand the smell, and don't smell like one.

Is there a consensus vote on that one?

>>(I worked in a chemical plant for awhile, and so I know how that
>> works),
>OH !  There ya go...a chemical plant.  I wanna work there!

You can't...it blew up a few years ago.  I only worked there a year, and
because I was flat broke and needed the job.  The cyanide gave me a
headache, and I couldn't stand the smell of THF (tetrahydrofuran).  The
ether wasn't so bad, but it made it difficult to operate heavy machinery
afterwards.  :)  And allyl amine, what a lethal chemical that is!!  Talk
about taking your breath away!  [I'm afraid to say there are no jokes here.]

>>but how a non-smoker can live around heavy smokers I can't imagine.
>Who says they have to?  Move!

I guess I was referring to couples, i.e., non-smokers who chose smokers as
'life partners.'  And I didn't suggest a law against it...I just can't
figure out how they stand it.

Keith H. (FAA)
who still can't understand why the US didn't bomb North Carolina, since
those folks have been continually harboring a known terrorist in their midst
(whom the FBI still hasn't caught apparently), just like Afghanistan (or
whoever it was we bombed for similar reasons).

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