OFF: smoking etc.

Karen Kusic kkusic at EXECPC.COM
Fri Feb 18 23:49:05 EST 2000

flossbac wrote:

> I haven't ever smoked tobacco or pot either, nor have I ever been drunk.

I'm sorry . . . I can't help but reply to this.  No pot or getting drunk
ever???  I respect your choices but I hope you've at least had sex!  ;-)

Karen (after 4 Sprechers - )

> Yeah, certainly one of the major problems is smoke itself.  The aerosolized
> chemicals of burned plant materials are generally bad news in terms of
> health.  Pot is probably a bit more healthful because it lacks nicotine (a
> sympathomimetic drug which basically overstimulates the body, raising blood
> pressure and injuring the circulatory system), but the carcinogenic
> properties and the lung effects are the same.
> I haven't ever smoked tobacco or pot either, nor have I ever been drunk.
> John Majka

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