HW: Reefer Madness (was Re: OFF: smoking etc.)
Eric Siegerman
Wed Feb 23 17:51:34 EST 2000
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 07:49:48PM +0100, Denis Regenbrecht wrote:
> At 18:05 21.02.00, Paul Mather wrote:
> >Trying to steer this marginally on-topic, recently I had the enormous
> >pleasure of watching the film _Reefer Madness_ (thanks to the Virginia
> >Tech library), and I heartily recommend it to all! I especially liked
> >the part where the floozie dives to her death out of the upper floor
> >window because she can bear no longer the thought of the moral
> >degeneration she has wrought with the evil weed!
> [From _Reefer Madness_]:
> "[...] Its first effect is sudden violent, uncontrollable laughter; then
> comes dangerous hallucinations - space expands - time slows down, almost
> stands still ... fixed ideas come next, conjuring monstrous extravagances -
> followed by emotional disturbances, the total inability to direct thoughts,
> the loss of all power to resist physical emotions, leading finally to acts
> of shocking violence ... ending often in incurable insanity.
> In picturing its soul-destroying effects no attempt was made to equivocate.
> The scenes and incidents, while fictionized for the purposes of this story,
> are based upon actual research into the results of Marihuana addiction [...]"
Heh. I knew the "civil defence" part of Sonic Attack was a parody, but I
hadn't realized the "symptoms" bit was too. Cool!
| | /\
|-_|/ > Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont. erics at telepres.com
| | /
to me, Charlie Brown represented the courage to be sincere in the face of
ridicule. he was NOT a loser.
thank you, Mr. Schulz.
- Robert C. Mayo
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