HW: audio interview...

Stephan Spiegel spiegel at INTPLSRV.NET
Sat Jan 15 04:19:33 EST 2000

All I get is a JPG when I click on Hawkwind
How are you supposed to hear this interview?


-----Original Message-----
From: K Henderson <henderson.120 at OSU.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Friday, January 14, 2000 11:54 AM
Subject: HW: audio interview...

>Hi Folks...
>Just happened to pass by this page for an old 70s radio program in Chicago,
>that claims to have a bunch of interviews on tape.  Hawkwind is among them.
>It says they plan to start offering the audio for download (only two are
>available now), and I thought maybe with some encouragement from us,
>they'd put Hawkwind up at the top of the list to prepare.
>I gather from the photo that this interview might have been done in 1977
>was it 1978?), literally hours before the final Hawkwind concert when they
>broke up.  [The Spirit of the Age performance (IIRC pretty good, but for
>feedback problems) on F&R II is from this gig, is that right?  Does all of
>this concert exist?]  Looks like Brock/Calvert/King/Shaw?/Swindells? lineup
>in that bad photo. If so, it might be an interesting interview to hear,
>before things came to a head.  Simon H. would have just quit days before,
>and Calvert must have been off in his own world, and with only a single
>sword (right, Bill?).
>Keith H. (FAA)

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