HW: Hawkwind Theme Loading

Tim Stephenson timnjaq at TSTEPHENSON.FREESERVE.CO.UK
Tue Jan 18 09:28:15 EST 2000

Stephan, You need a theme manager.  Good point, I dont have one either.  I
have what
I believe is an excellent Winnie the Pooh theme stashed that I cant use
(HEY - how long do you think a Hawkwind theme is going to last in my
household?  A Steps theme til I came back from work about 7.00pm, a Hawkwind
theme til the kids came back from school about 4.00pm.  They'd probably
succesfully wipe the hard drive in the process as well.)

So anyone know a site where you can lig a 100% free, not 30 days trial theme


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