OFF: Tape Trade '99
Chris Warburton
desdinova at EARTHLING.NET
Thu Jan 27 20:44:52 EST 2000
Sounds like a good idea. Two administrative notes... on Stuart's web-page
for the track lists, the link to mine seems to have vanished; and one of
the tapes I just received (alimac's), there's no tracklist with the tape,
and Stuart doesn't have Alasdair's name or track listing
about it Alasdair?
At 21:59 27.01.2000 -0000, you wrote:
>All I know for sure is that my file with all the addresses, and who sent
>what where, went to the hard disk in the sky when I had Windows 98 hassles a
>while ago (I'd backed up the trivial stuff like my current projects and
>websites, and not the important stuff like the boc-l tape swap - go figure).
>But we could start Tape Swap '00...
>-- Andy
>mailto:Andy.Gilham at;
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
>> Behalf Of James A Hogard
>> Sent: 27 January 2000 21:19
>> To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
>> Subject: OFF: Tape Trade '99
>> Is this thing still alive?
>> Respectfully curious,
>> Hogard
"a cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a coffin" -
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