hoax? Stonehenge getting paved over?

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Jan 31 05:36:15 EST 2000

Andrew A. Apold writes:

> Someone passed this along to me, it smelled of a hoax (numerous motive
> things seem very questionable to me... tho I remember the group that
> was responsible for stopping Hawkwind from playing there, what about
> them?), was wondering if anyone over there could confirm or deny this...

It's true. The plan is for the A303 to be converted to a tunnel in the
Stonehenge area so that it can be grassed over on the surface and cause
less visual disturbance to the area. If the complete plans are
implemented the Visitor Centre and car park will be removed from its
site adjacent to the stones and moved up towards Devizes around roughly
where the main stage was at Stonehenge in 1981 (about a mile and a half
from Stonehenge). Visitors to the stones will be invited to walk from
there and visit the stones in something closer to their original wild
setting. Cross country carts will be available to transport the

It's unclear whether the paths around the stones, and more to the point,
the barbed wire, will be removed.

There's also talk about building, in concert with a private company, a
multimedia visitor centre, and fibreglass replica of stonehenge in its
original intended form, five or ten miles from Stonehenge.

The plan has been running around Whitehall for about 15 years and looks
finally to be implemented in some form.

> Andrew Apold


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