HW-Star Nation-Napster

Michaelangelo Blackman michaelangelo68 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Tue Jul 18 22:12:01 EDT 2000

Hello Andrew

I am relativley new to the BOC and I hope you can forgive my ignorance, but I was wondering if you could enlighten me on your label etc
your email has sparked my curiosity - ever curious is the cat :^)


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 8:34 AM
  Subject: Re: HW-Star Nation-Napster

  Oh - so that's where I've been going wrong all this time - I'm paying the musicians on my label real royalties with nothing taken out for hidden extras!!!!!!!!!!!
  I want to know why musicians for the last 30 years have sacrficed themselves on the altar that is major label status, sell more CD's than labels like mine could ever dream of and still manage to get ripped off by the major labels - are the labels that clever or are they that daft?
  BTW - just take a listen to 'Awful' by Hole and that should change your minds - one staggeringly great single!!!
  Andy Garibaldi.
  I thought her essay was great, esp. the line to the effect of:
  '...with a record label, I'm almost giving away my music for nothing,
  so what's the big deal about Napster...'

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