HW: australian video (NTSC)

michael blackman michaelangelo68 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Fri Jul 28 07:22:11 EDT 2000


I have a PAL copy but i intend to have it duplicated to ntsc soon as two
other cats want a copy in the states - i'm assuming ntsc is the american

got any HW paraphinelia you can part with??

----- Original Message -----
From: flossbac <flossbac at NLCI.COM>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 3:53 AM
Subject: HW: australian video (NTSC)

> So can I hit someone up for an NTSC copy of the recent australian TV
> appearance of the Hawks?
> John Majka
> flossbac at nlci.com
> http://www.nlci.com/users/flossbac

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