HW: value of some items

Fri Jun 9 06:13:04 EDT 2000

In a message dated 6/8/00 7:10:30 AM, fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK writes:

<<  a C90 - the longest
available audio cassette at the time.   >>
au contraire, comrade.
there were C-120's around at the time;
i recorded the 4/5/74 HW philly show on one.

that it didnt take such tapes long to start crumbling
would be another story.

trivia for those tape traders who axually _have_  my copy of that show;
note the beginning of "you'd better believe it",
that's where i flipped the tape over that night.
and the first 'factory/lp' cassette i ever owned
was the who's "tommy"
which omitted 'eyesight to the blind' and 'tommy's xmas'.


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