HW: The Real Undisclosed Files

Thomas Guy Guy.Thomas at LONDON.ENTOIL.COM
Thu Jun 15 11:10:30 EDT 2000

Andrew - not the.......not the........Stonecutters...........AAARRRGGGHHHHHH
All those terrible blood-curdling oaths, and correctly pressed knuckles!

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Andrew A. Apold [mailto:mordru at FLITE.NET]
                Sent:   15 June 2000 15:17
                To:     BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU
                Subject:        Re: HW: The Real Undisclosed Files

                At 03:24 PM 6/15/2000 +0100, Thomas Guy wrote:
                >Ben, didn't the Templars end up in Scotland? Didn't you
realise that the
                >Warrior LP cover is actually a Templar Knight atop Glen Coe

                They were wiped out by the Stonecutters in a ruthless
recruiting war in
                the 1890s...

                "Left behind by the latest trends...
                 eating fried chicken with his regicidal friends...
                   - "Porcelain Monkey" by Warren Zevon
                Andrew Apold

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