HW: question for MR. BROCK
Wilma Berry/ and: or / Wesley
wilberry at MINDSPRING.COM
Sat Jun 17 10:55:07 EDT 2000
Lemmy who?
At 10:50 AM 06/17/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 6/17/00 10:39:33 AM, wilberry at MINDSPRING.COM writes:
><< Lemmy Shhmemmy... >>
>well, this didnt answer the question re: '7x7'
>sounds like you have some feelings about this, mum.
>chairs, then!
>no, wait
>i meant _cheers_, then!
><<Sitting on two chairs in the company of knowledgable reasonable persons is
>more or less possible, - doing same in the company of ravers results in a
>fall, and taking of sides...>>
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