XC & IitBotFtbD

Andrew Apold mordru at FLITE.NET
Mon Jun 26 23:40:38 EDT 2000

>I wonder if the Dr. Who fans (few there are on this list) would agree that
>like whichever Doctor you cut your teeth on, many fans favorite Hawkwind
>era.. or certainly the one looked on with the least amount of criticism ..
>is the one we discovered Hawkwind in. so to speak.

Nah, I started on It is the Future, and it immediately ceased to be
my favorite once I got anything else (Chronicle of the Black Sword
was my second album, then got some of the UA 70's stuff).

My favorite era is one of the ones I was lacking until much, much
later, the late 70's Calvert era...

"To dwell within Samsara, however, is to
 be subject to the works of those mighty
 among dreamers."

 - Mahasamatman, in Zelazny's "Lord of Light"

Andrew Apold

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