HW: Glastonbury stats

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon Mar 6 14:07:52 EST 2000

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000 DASLUD at AOL.COM wrote:

> In a message dated 3/3/00 8:16:17 AM, mordru at FLITE.NET writes:
> << Take me on' >>
> =-=-==
> i believe it was "Take on me".
> oh those wacky Norwegians...

        As I remember it, being a young thing new to radio-ownership and
"pop" music at the time, they were one of the more tolerable eighties pop
bands. And they did a James Bond theme (`Living Daylights') so they
probably had three hits. Hey, I even remember their singles that _didn't_
hit. Woah dude.

        However, I am _listening_ to `Frozen Other' by Das Ludicroix and
the public look at me strangely so I claim membership of the United
Mutations and diplomatic immunity :-) Yours,

        |       Jonathan Jarrett             11 Manhattan Drive,   |
        | jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk        Cambridge         |
        |        01223 741219                     CB4 1JL          |
        |       "Wilhelm Reich died for your sins"  (ST37)         |

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