HW: Did I really say that...?
cosmos at CASEMA.NET
Wed Mar 8 12:58:02 EST 2000
>Back in 1984/85, I co-edited 3 issues of a zine called the Hawkwind Bazooka,
>with a guy in Holland. It was a really strange concept; partly written in
>Tasmania, sent to Holland, stapled together there with new bits added (often
>without my knowing what they were going to be - which was really tremendous
>when the bloke in Holland took it into his head to publish a private letter
>I'd sent him in which I admitted to taking various drugs, while at the same
>time discussing the draconian new Tasmanian drug laws). Anyway it was, in my
>view at the time, a load of rubbish, but apparently it circulatd around and
>people read it. But I've just read it for the first time in nearly 15 years,
>and the things I wrote in it - eek! :(
>I was speculating as to why I might have dropped out of circulation around
>1985, and mentioned that I was a bit disappointed in the quality of the HW
>releases in the early to mid 80's. Apparently I must have been more than a
>bit disappointed. The 3rd edition of this zine starts with an editorial
>lambaste of Flicknife, in which I call Friends and Relations 2 "a disaster",
>Zones a thrown-together, opportunistic, mish-mash, and stated that Flicknife
>had a cheek charging full-price for something as abysmally recorded as the
>live Huw-Lloyd Langton group album. Then this Dutch guy takes up the theme,
>with even less restraint or diplomacy, accusing Flicknife of being rip-off
>merchants. Then to cap it off, an article by Ande Tucker, where he calls
>Flicknife "Flickshit", and describes their releases as 'crap'. That appears
>to have been the bomb I set off under myself to mark my departure from the
>Hawkwind fold. In retrospect, whereas I still can't admit to being any
>fonder of Zones and Friends and Relations 2, I think I might have been a bit
>more supportive of the band. 15 years down the track I confess myself in awe
>of Brock's ability to keep the thing rolling, and hope the hawkwind crowd
>of the time can forgive that younger me for his total lack of appreciation
>of the trials and tribulations of keeping a rock band on the road through
>lost record deals, personal tragedies and god knows what else. It's a
>shame I wasn't around to congratulate them on their return to vinyl form
>over the following 5 years, but would anyone have wanted my opinion anyway,
>after that outburst? Ah well. At least I didn't get sued by Frenchy. Geez,
>me and my big mouth :( If anyone still has any of those things, would you
>burn them?
hey man
still have those fanzines from rob boonen and you.
met these guy twice, a very strange bloke but he introcuded me personally
to nik turner
etc. and he did give me reel tapes from mike moorcock never published demo's.
i still have those so i must dig them out to listen again to.
lost contact with him as i heard he turned out almost blind.
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