HW: question for Dave

Tue Mar 21 06:15:28 EST 2000

Hi Nick!

Yes we would live to play at the Stables again. It would be a good warm up
for the reunion gig!
Don't know about Glastonbury yet.
Possible UK tour depending on management.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Lee <nick.lee2 at VIRGIN.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 6:30 PM
Subject: HW: question for Dave

> Hi Dave,
> have there been any real discussions about the band appearing at Glasters
> this year?  It really would be the ideal venue for the much-talked-about
> reunion.  What are the plans for albums/touring this year? Jerry told me
> him, Ron and Richard's gig in Bath last December that a full tour was
> projected for the autumn this year.  At that time he still seemed pretty
> committed to HW, perhaps he could spend some time online to clear this
> matter up?  Any chance that you play at the Stables here again? Of the
> gigs I caught last November that was by far my favourite, everyone seemed
> be having a great time, both on stage and off. It'd make a good warm-up
> venue for a tour sometime.
> All the best for the future and I look forward to catching the band again
> sooner rather then later.
> Nick

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