HW: another one for Dave

Tim Gadd lupercal at GEOCITIES.COM
Tue Mar 21 12:34:33 EST 2000

At 07:49 PM 3/20/00 GMT, M Holmes wrote:
>Sorry Dave, I know I've asked this almost more times than Trev has asked
>for Time For Sale but any chance of a proper length version of "Where
>Are They Now?" on an album near us soon? I honestly reckon that the
>short version on the Weird tapes is one of the strongest of that style
>in the whole collection.

Wow, I hadn't thought of that track in years. Yes, I always liked that song,
too, though I don't recall much about it except the melody in the chorus.
The verses sound a bit like PXR 5, don't they - or am I thinking of
something else? Have to go searching for my old Weird tapes.
Tim Gadd
Hobart, Tasmania

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