
Thu Mar 23 21:50:28 EST 2000

Refering to Dibs' vocal style? I really like it! Kind of a cross between
Brock and Bainbridge, but more aggressive for the '90s...Anyway, I
like this band, can't wait for the next CD...Andy--is it gonna be more
that last track "Space Junk"?
Actually, no, it isn't. There is an album of that sort of stuff in Dibs'
pipeline, but I'm not sure if I dare release it!!!

On a separate note for all you Tim Blake fans out there, we got in the
reissues of 'Crystal Machine' and 'Magick' today. There has clearly been
some kind of error along the way, because the booklet to 'Magick' has
the 'Crystal Machine' sleeve notes on the inside and the booklet to
'Crystal machine' has the sleeeve notes to 'Magick' on the inside, so
look out for that if you're buying anywhere other than from me at CD

Also due in at CD Services any day now is a fantastic new album from
Starfield feat Bedouin's new vocalist Danny Faulkner - the album is just
superb so look out for a review on the web site soon, and we should be
able to sell you a copy next week sometime.

Toodle pips,
Andy G.

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