HW:Searching for Hawkwind lyrics

Andreas Stuewe Andreas.Stuewe at T-ONLINE.DE
Sun Mar 26 05:29:31 EST 2000

Bernhard Pospiech schrieb:
> Here it is:

Sorry, Bernie, but there are a few mistakes in your lyrics. Here is the original
version written by Roger Neville-Neil:

> ==================
> Death comes like a glacier from the peaks of all wars
> Reason and logic, the general´s cry "more!"
> Bodies in gullies, contortionist poses
> Fogged by the scent of mustard gas and roses
> Take me back to the war I survived
> Gather them all it´s a slaughterhouse five
> As buildings belch bombs to the haloed Moon
> Entrust it´s landscape to the barren gloom
> A bulletproof Bible can protect your heart
> Who'll cover your eyes when you're falling apart
> Mischief rides high upon the martyrs back
> Provide the credence for unprovoked attack
> Yet in their use can these shadows have form
> Armies create circles sparks from the dawn
> And so it goes no one is left alive
> Take me back to the war I survived
> These were people like you and I
> Take me back to the war I survived

This makes more sense now, doesn´t it?


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