eweekly: geezer rock concerts

Hall, Russell J russell.j.hall at LMCO.COM
Wed May 3 09:07:01 EDT 2000

Speaking of Buckner.

Last time BOC was at the Middle East Club, Eric was heard saying

EB "How 'bout those Yankees, huh?"
CROWD <boo hiss>
EB "Well, I can't stand'em either!  I'm a Mets fan . . . BUCKNER!"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Jackson jr. [SMTP:tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 7:48 AM
> Subject:      Re: eweekly: geezer rock concerts
> On 3 May 00, at 7:31, Hall, Russell J wrote:
> > Teddy opened for Kiss here in Boston (Or so it was billed).
> >
> Gee what a treat!  Hasn't Boston suffered enough after the Buckner
> error, the Tea Tax, forced busing etc?  Nugent is opening in a lot of
> cities on the Kiss tour.  What's up with that?  Did Gene swallow some
> of his lighter fluid?
> theo

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