Join Me

Sat May 6 15:37:22 EDT 2000

Hello everyone,
I invite you all to join me at a rally to save the bears of New Jersey.
The rally is being sponsored by the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
(NJARA) and will take place on the State House Steps of the Capital
Complex in Trenton Monday May22nd between 11:00AM-1:00PM.

 The New Jersey Fish and Game Commision recently announced their desire
to kill 350 bears during a three part hunt which will begin on September
16th of this year.

It is not my intention to thrust my own political views upon anyone who
reads this note. Suffice it to say that I am only offering my opinion
and an invitation to those of like minds.

To really evaluate the situation in an educated way visit the NJARA's
"Save The Bears", subsite at:

Click on the picture of Samantha and proceed from there...

               Peace, Mike Burro (Sloterdijk)

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