HW: '80s

Doug Pearson ceres at SIRIUS.COM
Fri May 12 14:15:05 EDT 2000

My definition of "80's" Hawkwind would be "the Huw years", so the
"best-of-the-80s" tape I made a while ago stretches from 'Live 79' to
'Xenon Codex', with 'Church of Hawkwind' counted as a Brock solo album
(hence no inclusions).  I can't remember if it's a c90 or c100, but here's
my list ...

side A
1. Shot Down In The Night (live)
2. Motorway City (live)
3. Who's Gonna Win The War? (single version)
4. Levitation
5. Angels of Death (single version)
6. Living on a Knife Edge
7. Coded Languages
8. Choose Your Masques
9. Farenheit 451

side B
1. Night of the Hawks (12" version)
2. Ghost Dance ('Hawkfan 12'/'Elf&Hawk' version)
3. Stonehenge Decoded (live)
4. Watching the Grass Grow (live)
5. Needle Gun
6. Sleep of a Thousand Tears
7. Moonglum (live)
8. The War I Survived
9. Heads
10.Good Evening

         ceres at sirius.com

On Wed, 10 May 2000 18:54:45 EDT, Chuck Rosenberg <Chuckrecs at AOL.COM> wrote:
>1.Sonic Attack--the studio/song version!
>2.Rocky Paths
>3.Angels of Death
>4.Living on a Knife Edge
>5.Lost Chances
>6.Transdimentional Man
>7.Nuclear Drive
>8.Star Cannibal
>9.Phenomenon of Luminosity
>10.The Church
>11.Light Specific Data
>12.Choose Your Masques
>13.Dream Worker
>14.Void City
>15.The Island
>17.Stonehenge Decoded
>18.Shade Gate
>19.The War I Survived (Live)
>21.Shade Gate
>22.Rocky Paths
>23.Conjuration of Magnu/Magnu
>24.Dust of Time
>25.Cajun Jinx
>27.Assassins of Allah
>28.Ghost Dance (and Undisclosed Files version)
>29.Warrior on the Edge of Time (Griffin CD)
>30.Neon Skyline

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