OFF: New Radio show in S Wales/online

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Sun May 14 20:51:13 EDT 2000

Hi Folks...

This came across another list and thought it might interest some folks here,
as well as bands that might want to submit something.  (E-mail is below).

Grakkl (FAA)

>Very shortly I will be working as a DJ on a late night radio show run by a
>new company called Real Radio (96.4 FM). This digital service will supply
>the South Wales (UK) area of approximately 250,000 people, and will
>hopefully offer web streaming in the future.
>My programme ('Menagerie') will feature many contemporary genres, but will
>also include my large selection of European & American
>electronic/avant-garde music. This will hopefully open up a new world of
>music for listeners starved of creative and unique artists.
>I am interested in profiling any new bands/artists of this genre. If anyone
>has any CD's, tapes etc. Please do not hesitate to forward anything to me
>(address supplied on request) and I will give it serious
> the customary plug.
>Antony S. Thomas (presenter, 'The Menagerie', Real Radio 96.4 FM)
>as_thomas at

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