OFF: More U. of Errors...tour on!

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Sun May 21 21:12:39 EDT 2000

Hi Folks once again....

Looks like they're going to make the effort to go to Europe after all.
Again, email Michael Clare at mykelc at if you've got any
suggestions for gigs, parties, activities, whatever on their journey.  I'll
post whatever new schedule he comes up with in a couple days.

Grakkl (FAA)

Message from The Administrator
Department of Highest Potential Errors
University Of eRrors

Hello Friends and Fellow Students of the fine art of Errorology ----
I am pleased and relieved to be able to report the Daevid Allen's
University of Errors are determined and commited to what is turning into
the magical mystery floating anarchy tour of Western Europe.
In deep discussion yesterday it was decided by the Famous and
Illustrious Ancient Creaky Boned Headmaster and the approaching sub
ancient overstressed administrator that "We must go forth and Errorize"
--- the faculty is nuts enough to follow into this madness.

The tour dates are slim and will be posted more accurately here and
there in a day or two --- the original dates which you may have seen
where there were lot's of TBC's are mostly No Go's ...woooo.... so we go

Spread this far and wide ... tell your friends in Europe ... we are
available to be hosted, wined and dined and pampered by any .... off
days are as expensive as gig days.

As far as the August visit to the Northeast USA --- it is a go --- looks
like it will be doubled --- great honors and thanks to all of you who
responded to last weeks request for gig suggestions ---- again an
itinerary will be posted in a few days.

Check out the already outdated new websight- ---- we have this software that will
allow memos from the road and soon will be able to get e-mails via
faculty at --- at the moment those e-mails come
bouncing to you back as undeliverable after 4 days, but  the head of
department of virtual communications is on the case.

All donations are not tax deductable but good karma points applicable
and gladly accepted via GAS --- buy a Money Doesn't Make It cd ---
advance payment for the new one or the someday t-shirt and lesson book
Cheers and Belgian Beers To all--
Department of Impetuosity
university of errors
a not by choice non-profit, non-affiliated free thinking organization of

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