HW: lyrics/tabs

flossbac flossbac at NLCI.COM
Sat May 27 12:34:02 EDT 2000

> >>As for playing a semi-tone higher, all of the songs I listed I got from
> >>original(I suppose) recordings.
> >
> >
> >A lot of bands used to play live tuned a semitone down to make singing
> >the high notes easier.. I don`t know if Hawkwind were one of these
> >bands, but some of the keys you find on their live records would suggest
> >it wouldn't they..
> A recording trick - this was taught to me in the mid 70's, by a recording
> engineer who'd used it on several singles, so I presume it was not
> practice - was to make the final master tape play slightly faster than the
> original recording, because it tended to help cover mistakes in the
> Tim Gadd

Yeah, but that's not the case with Hawkwind.  Their tunings in the early
days tend to be below E.
John Majka
flossbac at nlci.com

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