HW: how we got into hawkwind

Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Thu Nov 2 16:30:25 EST 2000

Its interesting how many people became HW fans through Moorcock books. I first heard about HW in a very differnt kind of book. It was a serious book on astronomy by Ian Ridpath (now a top British astronomy author)called 'WORLDS BEYOND' from about '75. He devoted several lines to them which seemed out of place in that kind of book, but if its intention was to turn people on to HW it worked with at least one,  I checked them out soon after reading it (RoadHawks) and was instantly hooked. I still have the book, its one of my most treasured posessions.


> In article <f4.423b687.2732cc21 at aol.com>, Joe Loehr <JLoehr4299 at AOL.COM>
>       And I should say thanks to M. Moorcock 'cause if I wasn't
>       reading his books
>       I would never knew about Hawkwind.
>    Me, too.
>been hooked ever since.
>    Joe
>Me three, only it was the Corum books, oh 23 years ago now...

May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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