HW: getting into HW

Arin Komins akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Thu Nov 2 21:20:11 EST 2000

Like many others, I found my way via Moorcock's books.
Picked up Chronicles of the Black Sword, fell in love
(particularly with the two instrumentals, shade gate, and
pulsing cavern) and have been collecting since.

As to where I fit in the scale of ages, degrees, professions....I'm
29 (female, since that is nonobvious from my name),
have a BA in Anthropology and Japanese Studies, have most of an MA
in anthro.  Dropped out, went to work in computers, now do systems

am back in school (still working full-time), but now for compsci (and
hating it!)

(why, oh why did they announce the xmas gig just after all the tickets
from the recent fare wars have sold out...sigh ;-) )
Arin Komins                            akomins at midway.uchicago.edu
Web Systems Administrator
University of Chicago/NSIT                      tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559

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