HW: Alchoholic Beverages? Halt that hangover NOW!
M Holmes
Fri Nov 3 07:44:48 EST 2000
Nick Medford writes:
> >What happens is.....(as I recall).......By taking Ibuprofen before
> >consuming alcholic drink,
> >the alchohol reacts with the Ibuprofen in the stomach, and produces an
> >enzyme which in turn,neutralises the antibodies within the alchoholic
> >drink, that would otherwise go on to give you a 'hangover'.
> !!
> Forgive me but... no way can you "produce an enzyme" in this way! And
> alcohol doesn't contain antibodies, antibodies are 'good guys' produced by
> your own immune system to fight infection, help heal wounds etc.
> It (the ibuprofen) may give the liver a "kick-start", i.e. make the liver's
> natural enzymes work more effectively, thus you will get the alcohol out of
> your system quicker.
That may be how it works, but a major reason why polydrug use is bad for
folks is that it overloads the liver and makes damage that much more
likely. I'd certainly be very careful about mixing ibuprofen and alcohol
on a consistent basis - liver failure is pretty serious shit.
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