OFF: Eeeeek
Michael Blackman
michaelangelo68 at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Sun Nov 5 20:52:43 EST 2000
Sounds like sound advice.
Moderation is the key
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Lee <mark at ESPARTO.UK.COM>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 2:27 AM
Subject: OFF: Eeeeek
> Arin,
> This should raise about 3 zillion responses judging by recent
> threads - However FWIW, if you REALLY want to try new
> experiences
> 1) Stay away from anything addictive !!
> 2) Find a friend you KNOW has experince with the chemical of
> your choice.
> 3) Be open-minded - most hallucinogens seem to work based
> on current state of mind at the start of the experince. ie if your
> depressed you'll get more depressed, scared you'll get scareder (sp)
> etc.
> 4) Find an environment in which you are totally comfartable
> and familiar - Home in the garden, lounge etc.
> 5) Everybody reacts differently to every substance there is
> so start with the smallest dose, NOT the dose your friends
> who use normally do !!
> 6) If you work anywhere where you risk Drug-Testing make sure you
> are aware of the period required for the drug to be COMPLETELY
> metabolised - Cannabis for example can be detected for 2-3
> weeks after use. Depends on your metabolic rate.
> I'll probably get some stick as well now, I am not in any
> way advocating the use of any substance - I do what I do
> when I want and out of choice, so should all other free
> thinking people.
> For the record, Psylocibin (Cubensis), Sativa, Marijuana,
> Cannabis and three or four times a year Amphetamine Sulphate,
> Alchohol, Tobacco and most of the E numbers you get in food !!!
> I've tried LSD a few times, snorted some Coke (twice) and the
> old Benylin trick, used to be Phenser years ago. Never put a needle
> near myself and never will.
> maybe one day I'll try some of the other stuff out there, I would
> actually like to try Peyote, also saw an interesting prog about
> a drug called Ibogain (sp) being tested in the States, looked
> kinda fun.
> Anyway, 'nuff off-topic stuff for me, it's Sunday and I've got
> work to do, then it's off home for cold-turkey :)
> Mark (Hasbeen)
> ----- Original Message -----
> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 20:44:38 -0600
> From: Arin Komins <akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
> Subject: OFF: drugs
> So I've never touched drugs (aside from the standard
> caffeine, etc.)
> I drink alcohol, but not to excess (being drunk is a nasty
> depressive experience for me.)
> But I've always wanted to.
> But. I'm deathly afraid of addiction. I've
> got an addictive personality, if there is such a thing
> (at least judging by my collector instincts).
> Any advice from the list? good drugs to try, ones to stay
> away from? good environment for a first trip?
> (also...does anyone have a good pointer for how long various drugs
> stick around in one's system? I've done drug tests for work
> before, and don't want to sabotage potential jobs.....)
> Arin
> ----- End -----
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