HW: Support bands #1 - a general approach
Jon Browne
Mon Nov 6 16:50:01 EST 2000
In article <dSO46GADytB6EwKa at hermit0.demon.co.uk>, Nick Medford
<nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK> writes
>Maybe so, but for various reasons I ended up seeing 'em 3 times over the
>space of about a year- once at Glastonbury, once at Acid Daze, and once
>supporting the Damned.
Likewise. They were everywhere that year. I saw them with Cardiacs, with
Here & Now, the obligatory Acid Daze etc. I was invited to a private
birthday party at The Marquee and guess who the surprise band were...?
>So whatever their merits may have been, I did end up sick of the sight of
Understandable. The odd thing was, whenever I thought, groan, its the
Medics, they were really good, and every time I thought well, they were
pretty good last time, should be okay, they were dull.
>>Anyone read Zodiac Mindwarps auto-biog? There's a good Medics story in
>Pray tell?
If ever there was a story unfit for public consumption, even here, this
is it. It does, I will say, involve "No.2's". I'll really have to leave
it there...
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