HW: Support bands #1 - a general approach

Chris Warburton cwarburton at RDF-CONSULTING.CO.UK
Mon Nov 13 05:06:24 EST 2000

Expected response received *GGGG*

Of course I malign you... keeping a general glow just short of a "flame" is
half the fun... passme some more charcoal Mabel!

Chipmuck?  Is that what was in yr pants after the loop *ROTFLOL*

Aggravatingly Yours,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Jarrett [mailto:jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK]
> Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 8:05 PM
> Subject: Re: HW: Support bands #1 - a general approach
> On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Chris Warburton wrote:
> > Now I'm just awaiting the arrival of Col. Jon "Custer"
> Jarrett with the 7th
> > Anti-Dance Cavalry *GGG*
>         You malign me, this is an expanding are of interest
> for me, though
> I have to admit that so far only Orbital have really taken root in the
> collection. There is only so much money, and so many previous
> obsessions... Nonetheless, I've nothing against dance as a genre, just
> against the huge amount of uninspired chaff that seems to
> clog it for the
> newcomer. It's trip-hop I tend to to rail against, but that's
> only because
> it seems to get a response :-)
>         Oh, and I only ever made Cdt. Sgt. Yours,
>                                                   Jon (who
> did as a result
> get to put a Chipmuck through a loop-the-loop, almost the
> sole reason for
> joining the Corps a long time ago)
> --
>      Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)       jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
> =====================================================================
>         "There's nothin' more dangerous than a wounded mosquito."
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