napster, hawkwind and mp3's

Tue Nov 14 14:15:56 EST 2000

I'm not saying Napster doesn't have their uses, and no-one's perfect, but it
strikes me that they simply don't care whether something they offer is
available or not - why should they worry - it's only the poor artist who
suffers after all. I say, do your homework, Napster!!!
The idea that Napster leads to more exposure for that artist may well be
true but lead to more sales? For unknown acts with nothing to lose, perhaps,
but my argument is simply for establsihed acts who fall 'victim' to this
system (and we're not talking Metallica here)
Andy Garibaldi
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill & Cynthia" <freeaqua at IINET.NET.AU>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 2:05 AM
Subject: Re: napster, hawkwind and mp3's

> Andy said:
> > errrrr........yes, all very well and good, and I'm not getting into the
> > Napster argument again, but Sonic Attack and Choose Your Masques and the
> > Chaos Delight are readily available on CD and so that's another set of
> > royalties for the band and members that they'll never see.........
> Napster has its uses. It's great for downloading music from bands never
> heard of before. Pegasi 51 is an example. I bet their CD sales have
> since!
> And it wont stop me from buying HW and related CD's once they're released.
> I have been collecting their albums/cd's since 1976 and having mp3's just
> wouldn't feel right. :-)
> Although I must admit I have been trying to download some of Robert
> stuff. Gremlins 1 and 2 for example.
> Cheers
> Bill

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