Browser rant.

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sat Nov 18 14:57:06 EST 2000

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Richard Lockwood wrote:
> > And the idea that I
> > have to update my browser to read anything doesn't sit too well, so please
> > don't bother with that suggeston....
> Sorry - can't let this one go...  Browsers are free you know - either
> download the latest version, or get one off a CD on the front of just about
> any magazine.  Web designers and coders get really fecked off with this "I
> can't be arsed to update my browser / install Flash / get off my own arse"
> attitude y'know...

        Browsers are free, the processor, hard disk and memory to contain
and support them are not. So if you, as a web designer, want me to use the
latest browser, but me a new computer. Otherwise put up with me using
Netscape 3 Gold.

> If the luddites had their way we'd all be looking at grey backgrounds, no
> images, Times Roman text, and blue underlined hyperlink text.
> And don't fob me off with the "a significant proportion of users are still
> using level 3 browsers" argument.  3% isn't significant, it's an error
> margin.

        Look, the point of a website is twofold. It's a publicity tool so
it's nice if it looks nice and is easy to use, yes, fine. It's also
designed to convey information and if it doesn't do that to everyone
possible it's failing. Maybe not by any margin that matters to you, but
failing it is.

> At the very least you should be using the latest version of your preferred
> browser less one.

        That (Netscape 5) never happened, and I haven't enough hard disk
or memory to make 4.7 anything other than a near total system
liability. Neither have I currently got the money to buy more memory or
hard disk. If I had I'd be spending it on CDs.

> Rant over.  :-)
> Hmph.

        Yeh, likewise. Yours,

     Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)       jjarrett at
        "There's nothin' more dangerous than a wounded mosquito."

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