HW: A few more Brixton comments.
Al Ogilvy
Alogilvy at AOL.COM
Sun Nov 19 04:12:57 EST 2000
Dear Dave and Kris
(and anyone else who sweated and struggled to put on the Hawkestra )
Dont ever apologise !!!!
Hawkestra was simply the most amazing HW gig I have ever attended as far as
i am concerned, and my buddy Ian agrees too ! ( My count = 36 Hawk gigs, Ian
= 10 , ...Yes I know, mere virgins compared to some !).
It doesnt matter that some crew members were suffering some strange space
sickness because it was FUN despite that. The day Hawkwind places
Musicianship and Technical skill over the EXPERIENCE as a whole is the day
the spirit of the mothership dies as far as I'm concerned !
Hawkestra was always going to be difficult....I cant image the problems of
rehersals.And people who havent played certain numbers for years too..( For
all those critics of Huw especially..Ask yourself, when did he last play any
of those numbers prior to this...almost certainly more than 10 years ago..And
when did he last play in front of a crowd that big ?..No what matters is that
he was there...Also dont forget the part of the set Huw was to the front was
a very pared down line up for those numbers . Those numbers need the power of
Daves Rythmn thrash. Without that any problem was going to sound enormous.
Remember that the spirit of Hawkwind is always bigger than any of the
constituent parts !! And believe me...I've been watching the Hawks since
Wolverhampton Civic Hall (Space Ritual) 18 December '72...And I've seen much
worse performances!
Please dont Apologise Dave ....It truly was, despite any problems, real or
percieved, the event of the century !
Please put out the tapes , complete, unedited ....however imperfect they
maybe...Audio and Video !!!
ALL the best
And Thanks again !!
See you at the Astoria !!
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