HW: Booktastic
Jon Jarrett
Sat Nov 25 09:49:52 EST 2000
On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Nick Medford wrote:
> In message <Pine.LNX.4.21.0011231652170.23952-100000 at chiark.greenend.
> org.uk>, Jon Jarrett <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK> writes
> > Dear All,
> > currently at work at an online second-hand bookstore,
> >cataloguing, and what has passed through my hands except a copy of
> >_Stonehenge Decoded_? Didn't even know it existed...
> Yeah I have a copy of this too. By Gerald HAWKins if memory serves.
> Spooky.
> What I've never been sure of is: how widely accepted are his theories?
Well, the copy at work has provenance in this respect, so I shan't
be getting it... It contains a copy of a hostile review rubbishing most of
the calculations, and a letter from an archaeologist in America to an
English one whose name may be known to people, Glyn Daniel, saying they
need to consult an astronomer about this and see how plausible it is. This
may explain why this copy was then sent to Harold Jeffreys... But what he
told Daniel I sadly don't know. Yours,
n/p: Das Ludicroix - `L'Menexe'
Jon Jarrett (01223 514989) jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
"There's nothin' more dangerous than a wounded mosquito."
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