HW: Hawkwind fix

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Fri Oct 6 04:17:09 EDT 2000

In article <200010031843.OAA12359 at mail4.uts.ohio-state.edu>, K Henderson
<henderson.120 at OSU.EDU> writes
>Warrior, ASAM,
>QSC, PXR5, and 25 Years On...at least they'd all be back in print for
>awhile.  Of course, they were on a bunch of different labels and who knows
>how to get them all licenced together.

United Artists and Charisma are both now property of EMI, so all this
stuff is in the same place licence-wise. I thought the story with
Warrior is the masters have gone, otherwise it would have come out with
rest of the UA stuff. Anyone remember this?

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