HW: Brixton filmed by Channel 4

Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Tue Oct 17 20:40:54 EDT 2000

Hello everyone,
I have seen a few of these tongue in cheek 'top ten' programs and of the ones I have seen, they have never gone to the trouble of showing interviews or films of the fans.
They have always concentrated on the artist(s).Why the change? Is it 'top ten cult bands'? Or (hopefully)a proper (and long deserved)documentary on HW by the same company that makes the top ten programs.


Dave Berry wrote:
> Non-UK folks might like to know that this program's viewpoint can be a
>little, um, ironic.  If they can make people look foolish by cutting from
>something you say to something that illustrates the opposite, they'll do
>it.  I'm not saying you shouldn't talk to them, but maybe be a little
>careful about what you choose to say.
>At 19:46 13/10/00, Nick Lee wrote:
>The Top Ten Of... what? Space Rock, UK Psychedelia.. sounds interesting.
>Lets hope they film the whole thing and make it available somehow...

May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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