Rob the b**tard!
Doug Pearson
ceres at SIRIUS.COM
Mon Oct 30 15:48:12 EST 2000
On Sun, 29 Oct 2000 19:18:44 +0000, Jon Jarrett
<jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK> wrote:
> This said, I reckon Voiceprint still have a lot of ground to make
>up before I start to conside them a credible label ...
I've hardly seen/heard all of 'em, but Voiceprint's Fall live/reissue
program seems to be immune from all the troubles that have plagued the
Hawkwind program. The reissues seem to be typo-free and accurate, while
all the live recordings I've heard have come from high quality source
tapes. So I'd be a bit hesitant to cast blame on the label ...
>Paul Rudolph was on excellent form for this gig
>- what happened to that talent? I thought, judging from ASAM and the Pink
>Fairies '75 gig he'd already lost it but this recording shows me to be
He's pretty great on guitar on the Deviants "Screwed Up" 7"EP from '77.
Also playing bass on Eno's 'Another Green World' ('75) and 'Before And
After Science' ('78) LP's. But you're right, most of the Pink Fairies
'Roundhouse 75' album sounds like a so-so bar band covering the PF's.
ceres at
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