BOC: X-Brothers, Heaven Forbid, Brain Surgeons
Stephen Swann
swann at CUGC.ORG
Thu Sep 14 10:36:46 EDT 2000
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:29:09PM -0400, Jean Lansford wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, John A. Swartz wrote:
> >Well, maybe Al should repost Steve Swann's review of *Eponymous*... ;-)
> IIRC, it went:
> It's funky, it's rappin', it sucks.
Actually, it was: "It's jazzy, it's funky, it's rappin', it sucks." I
remember this very clearly, because of my exquisite embarrassment on
finding out that Al was reading the list when I posted that.
"And thank you for bringing up that very painful memory. While
you're at it, why don't you give me a paper cut and pour lemon
juice on it?"
- Miracle Max, from _The Princess Bride_
Of course, _Eponymous_ contains what eventually ended up being some of
my favorite Brain Surgeons tunes...
hoping to avoid a relapse of foot-in-mouth disease.
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