HW: tabs, chord files

Denis Regenbrecht denis.regenbrecht at UNIBW-MUENCHEN.DE
Sun Apr 8 09:59:34 EDT 2001

Hi John,

>In the past I think I've tabbed out Psi Power, You Shouldn't Do That, Master
>of the Universe, D-Rider, Time We Left, Silver Machine, Hassan I Sahba,
>Assault and Battery.  I don't recall which of these I may have posted

I'm not sure either. The PSI Power tabs in the .txt-file are defintively by
you (I found them in the BOC-L archives a long time ago). You also posted
tabs for You Shouldn't Do That, but I can't find them in the archives
anymore (and I lost some files, including my tab-archive, during the last
Win reinstall :-(
There's also MotU, D-Rider, Silver Machine, A&B in the file, but not in tab
form (only chords). I dimly remember that those were done by Doug Bates.
Could you please repost your tabs, if you still have same available in



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